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Software, programas Gestor de Reglajes de Mini-Z para Palm Pilot
Enviado poradmin el Friday, 29 August a las 11:18:09
Contribución de admin

Los poseedores de una Palm Pilot pueden llevar consigo este programa donde apuntar los reglajes de sus mini-z para cada circuito, historial de baterías, etc...
- Descargar Pocket Mini-Z 1.2b1 (Solo 20Kb)
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Pocket Mini-Z is a Palm application that manages your Kyosho Mini-Z information. It includes track information, setting profile and battery managment.

Track Information
The track information database is official distributed by The database contains all Mini-Z track information among the world. The tracks are categorized by country such as Hong Kong, USA. If you would like to add your track information into the database, please contact us ([email protected]) with your information.

Setting Profile
It allows all Mini-Z racers to store their all Mini-Z setting profiles for different car and track. It is convinence for those who often switches and fine tunes the setting in different tracks.

Battery Management
The most powerful battery management for your Mini-Z. You can store unlimited number of AAA battery profile for your Mini-Z. It must be used with some top grade chargers like Competition Electronic Pit Bull or Eagle Racing CDC Ver6.0B. Charging history is saved everytime you completed a charging process. You are allowed to store Delta Peak Volts, Charging Amp, Charging Time and other important battery information.

This software only works on Palm OS devices with Palm OS version 3.5 or above.

Please visit our download page to download the latest version of Pocket Mini-Z and its track information database, you are required to register an account in this forum in order to download.
Download Section:

You can simply install the PRC and PDB file through Palm HotSync.

Application Support
Thank you for your support! We always appreciate your enquiries and comments. You may contact us through World Wide Web or email.
Email: [email protected]

RC Technical Support



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Re: Gestor de Reglajes de Mini-Z para Palm Pilot (Puntuación 0)
por Anónimo el Sunday, 31 August a las 03:58:00
jejeje, muy interesante, pero... y la versión para los que funcionamos con PocketPc? ;)


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